The plan was to leave for Hong Kong by 8 in the morning, 830 at the latest. But what kind of vacation is this if we followed that plan. 8AM we were just waking up. After a quick shower by the four of us, we went to the shuttle area that will take us to Macau Ferry. Minor incident. Dear Fiance almost got us kicked out of the bus. We were seated in the front and he put his legs up to rest. When the annoylingly rude bus driver noticed this he spoke in an angry gibberish mandarin tone that implied Dear Fiance should put his feet down. He did. But stubbornly put them back up again. The bus driver stopped the bus mid-bridge and shouted. The whole bus was silent. And I had a feeling he was inches away from pulling the controls to the door open to kick us out. Dear Fiance laughed and just said sorry. Rude bus driver muttered something rude and started driving again. Once we reached the Ferry, we were hoping that like in the Philippines, some scalper will approach us and offer us some cheapo ticket for the TurboJet. NO such luck that morning!
When we finally got to Hong Kong, we had one mission. To find a restaurant that served suckling pig. We figured, hey this is HK, every corner eatery must have that in their menu. So we went inside Jackpot resto (yes that's the name of the place) I didn't bother picking up the menu. My friends know that I am useless when it comes to anything Chinese related. But even for Dear Fiance, who was a pro when it comes to Mandarin and Jean who studied Mandarin in China, a nose bleed feeling was followed from trying to decipher what i deemed to be ancient writings. We tried to order in vain. Jean kept on insisting that one of the ancient writings resemble Century Egg. Yes! We travelled all the way to HK to eat just century egg. Poor us. After what seems like forever the waiter had a light bulb moment, rushed to the cashier and got us english versions of the menu. Whew! Thought we would go hungry throughout the day.
At Jackpot, with Manong's other woman
After lunch, we took the MTR to the Disney train. This is the coolest train ever. It has Mickey Mouse shaped windows, handles, and even MM miniature statues inside.
Disneyland is any kid's Chocolate Factory! Seriously… I had a blast in Disneyland. The kid in me loved the Space Mountain - the vain mania in us loved that there's a camera in the end of this a-la roller coaster ride. As soon as we saw our picture outside we instantly fall back in line to redo the ride, all for the sake of a better angle (especially now that we know where the camera was hiding!) The ride takes you inside this gigantic room and like a roller coaster, the track goes way up with sudden drops and turns, the catch - it is pitched dark inside with visuals of galaxies and stars lighting the way…you really do feel like you're in space...,
There was a scheduled parade and we didn’t want to miss it. So off to the heat we went again. I must say I love meeting Kababayans abroad. Especially if they worked for a theme park. Hehe. The Filipinos in the parade would gamely stopped marching and approach us so that we get a better picture with them. Palakasan pala to!
We planned to leave by 6 but since we wanted to try everything we ended up leaving Disneyland at 730. And had to dashed back to Causeway bay to re-meet up with our friend Yao. Since we were already in one of the greatest place to shop, we decided to forgo 8pm ferry schedule and shop until 1030. Love the IKEA store there. Too bad Dear Fiance and I haven't officially started decorating our place, it would have been nice to take advantage of the great buys there! I was in search for something fasyon there, but shopping with a few minutes only is too stressful. Ended up buying chocolates for pasalubong instead.
To capped our day (night) tripping, we went to Delifrance (haha - Triple A friend was waiting for us there) to grab some coffee before heading to the ferry to take the 1130 trip back to Macau.
It was exhausting! But defintely memorable.
Nice place....
ReplyDeleteVisit the belgian park, though, its called walabi, it's really fun - you can kill virtual mummies, swim in a giant building shaped like a ball, or get wet while exploring the flooding mines, or take a ride on the roller coaster totally made of wood!!! roar!!!
Visit to get inspired!!!