Highlights of 2008
1.) Obama winning the elections - Ok, I am not Michelle or American for that matter but I seriously felt chills down my spine when Barrack Obama's name was officially declared the President elect of the United States.
2.) Bunjy jumping - Ah sigh, brings back such wonderful memory. All 3 minutes of it!! (4
second free fall and the rest dangling upside down screaming like a freakin' lunatic) It's definitely a personal high as I have always been afraid of heights. I think if I wasn't this uberly yabang person I wouldn't have gone through with it. Note to self: do not advertise to every living soul, weeks before you leave for Macau, that you are planning to do something crazy. It makes backing out that much more painful.
3.) All-in-One with MAGGI - Yes! This year I was finally able to have my very first brand stint for Nestle. I have been working for about 3 years since graduation, and I have always known that Brand Marketing is where I wanted to end up at (if I do decide to stay on the corporate world). From attending top secret recipe productions to shooting of TV and other print commercials, my MAGGI stint was really one of the mor exciting work opportunities I have had.
4.) Living by Myself - Spoiled pampered me always had the maids to take care of my every lazy whim. But this year at least for a few months I got a taste of what it is like to be "independent". A lot of cup noodles were purchased, cigarettes smoked and cellphone line burned. The first few days were oh so tough. I missed the family, the boyfriend and all the comforts of taking a shower in your own bathroom. (Seriously I was wearing my slippers inside the bathroom because I didn't want to stepped on those tiles at the hotel) Add to that, I really couldn't leave the hotel at night, because I was by myself without a car so there was a lot a star gazing going on there. Now that it's over, I am glad that I was assigned to South Luzon 1. Once again I think I have earned millions of stories to tell the grand kids about what an absolute klutz and freak their grandma was.
5.) Vacation. Vacation. Vacation. - Every year the friends and I plan our
much needed and much deserved summer trip (although sometimes this is pushed back as late as June/July) Last year, we were all aboard for the Asian Cruise. To spice it up a bit, this year we decided to rent out a resort in Davao. I always love it when the entire gang can come along. It makes travel arrangement such a hell - because how do you plan for 25 people without getting a headache, right?! But just the same the different flava makes it all worth it. After Davao, we unexpectedly decided to fly to Macau and HongKong. Nothing tops running around HK for some last minute shopping spree (good thing we made it to the last ferry ride) Just last week, I was back in Boracay after 2 years of not feeling it's powdery sands on my feet. Sigh - wish I could be Canadian and take a year long vacay with pay!
6.) Getting Engaged!!! - Who knew one small thing can mean so much. Once dear Fiance popped the question and slid the ring down my not so tiny finger I knew that we have officially taken this gigantic step towards our future. It was the sweetest proposal I have ever heard. And I know that may sound totally unbashfully biased coming from the proposee, but seriously I believe that the fiance's proposal plan is way up high on the world ranking. We are now half way through with our wedding preparations. And it's absolutely scary to think that 10 months from now there would be some name changing action that will happen. Gotta learn how to cook!

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