Somebody's idea of a joke!?
What crazy thing have you done lately? This would be the perfect time somebody asks me that question.
I'm this scaredy cat, who for all ironic purposes just happens to love the idea of extreme sports. Go figure my heart is all screwed up whenever I decide to take the plunge. And take the plunge I did. Dear fiance and I decided 1 year before THE day, we will bungy from the highest jump point in the world!!!
Macau Tower. 61 stories high. 233 meters above ground level. That's 4 times the height of my building at work. While friends were relaxing at the 360 café on the 60th floor, my mind was seriously going haywire. I kept looking at Dear fiance all relaxed and cool, I wondered if he was high on drugs or in denial. "Does the thought of plunging to your death not scare you!?!" I kept nagging him to admit that he was at least half as scared as I was, but he was just nervous, he said.
When we were all harness-ed up and was pulled outside to the death trap of doom.
AJ Hackket guy: Ok, you guys listen to me. I want you to walk, like this (demonstrates baby steps) until you reached the edge of the platform. When you're at the edge, I want you to raise your arms, look up in the sky and just fall face forward. Don't jump. Just fall.
Jake: I don’t think I can just fall on will, someone has to push me.
AJ Hackket guy: *Laughs* No of course you can
Dear Fiance was first to jump. I was supposed to be the fourth person to jump after 2 Jap guys, but since weight was an issue (Cheers! Apparently I was on the thin side!!) two other people had to go ahead. So I kept waiting silently on the corner. I think I chewed most of my nails from the sheer anxiety. Whenever somebody jumps I kept thinking "WHY, WHY, WHY did I agree to do this! This is just not natural!"
Noticing me on the corner (I was more than willing to let other people jump before me even if I wore my harness a good hour ago).
Noticing me on the corner (I was more than willing to let other people jump before me even if I wore my harness a good hour ago).
AJ Hackett guy: You can't hide in that corner forever. Tick Tock Tick Tock
Jake: *thinks to self* If you weren't the one who's going to tie my ankles, I would give you a menacing look. (Although at this point - no menacing look is possible - unless my of-the-moment-chicken-shite look can pass off as such)
Jake: *thinks to self* If you weren't the one who's going to tie my ankles, I would give you a menacing look. (Although at this point - no menacing look is possible - unless my of-the-moment-chicken-shite look can pass off as such)
After the 2 Dutch and 2 Jap guys took their jump, it was my turn to be strapped. I seriously cannot think of anything to say. The AJ hackket guy was trying to make small talk while tying the band on my ankles. I wanted him to shut up and concentrate hard on what he's doing. TIE. TIE. TIE. No small talks needed. Just make sure those tiny tiny band hold my weight!
Someone from the crowd: How many jumped already for today?
AJ Hackket guy: About that's why i feel so tired.
Jake: WHAT THE!?!? Don't say things like that now!!
AJ Hackket guy: laughs
Jake: No one has ever died from doing this right?
AJ Hackket guy: Now that wouldn't look good on my resume, now would it. I wouldn't allow that to happen.
Jake: *Smiles nervously*
AJ Hackett guy: But then again I have my passport with me here (points in his side pockets) and I can run to the airport and hide just in case…*winks*
Jake: WHAT?!?!
AJ Hackket: "As we walk to the valley of the shadow of death…"
Jake: (*Silently thinking* "You will come back as a peanut in the next life mate! Mark my words!!!"
On the ledge finally.
AJ Hackket guy: Now that wouldn't look good on my resume, now would it. I wouldn't allow that to happen.
Jake: *Smiles nervously*
AJ Hackett guy: But then again I have my passport with me here (points in his side pockets) and I can run to the airport and hide just in case…*winks*
Jake: WHAT?!?!
AJ Hackket: "As we walk to the valley of the shadow of death…"
Jake: (*Silently thinking* "You will come back as a peanut in the next life mate! Mark my words!!!"
On the ledge finally.
Jake: I don’t think I can do this.
AJ Hackket guy: Just look straight ahead. Don't look down.
Jake: No, seriously, I made the wrong choice. I don’t think I can fall"
AJ Hackket guy: "5…4…3…"
Jake: "Nooooo..please don’t let me go!! WAIT!"
AJ Hackket guy # 2: "I'm still holding you..just don't look down. It will be over before you know it"
Jake: I can't. I can't. I want to go back now!
The crowd: Go. Go. Woooooh!
AJ Hackket guy: "5…4…3…2…1…"
AJ Hackket guy: Just look straight ahead. Don't look down.
Jake: No, seriously, I made the wrong choice. I don’t think I can fall"
AJ Hackket guy: "5…4…3…"
Jake: "Nooooo..please don’t let me go!! WAIT!"
AJ Hackket guy # 2: "I'm still holding you..just don't look down. It will be over before you know it"
Jake: I can't. I can't. I want to go back now!
The crowd: Go. Go. Woooooh!
AJ Hackket guy: "5…4…3…2…1…"
And then I just finally let go.
I heard the group on the ledge jumping after me cheering on (hmm was it because the scared Asian girl finally jumped and they can bungy na?!)
Just before the cord stretched, free falling 233 meters above, it was absolutely beautiful. Serenely peaceful even. Just the wind in your face and tiny buildings down below and then the cord finally stretched...
"OH MY GAAAAAAD!!!! Im going to DIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"
Bungy Jumping by AJ. Hackett costs about MOP 888.00, includes Bungy T-shirt, Certificate, Membership card.
For more information go to
Wow... I GOTTA try this.....
ReplyDeleteOk, I admit, I was feeling a little light on my feet when I looked down below me from the highest point of the eiffel tower but... I GOTTA try this!!!!
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