Saturday, November 29

Must Try: Lunching at Pepper Lunch

We finally got to eat at Pepper Lunch. The fiancé has been nagging for some time now about this place. It opened months ago in Rockwell and every time he picks me up, he would look longingly at Pepper Lunch as we pass it by.

Verdict? Hmm pretty ok. I don’t like waiting for my food to be cooked in front of me, which beats the purpose of going into these kinda places – because heck – that sizzling plate is the whole novelty behind it, right?

Be warned! I did smell like pepper afterwards.

Photo creds:


  1. jake! the second photo is not pepper lunch :)

    cecile/pepper lunch

  2. hi cecille, oops sorry got my photos mixed up.. :(

  3. Nice blog!!!! :)

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